Monthly Archives: December 2014

Christmas Time is Here. Duh.


I am so beyond pumped for Christmas day but alas I still have so much finishing of gifts to do and brownies to bake and gifts to wrap and and and- there’s a lot. My schedule is going to be a little packed for the next few days but hopefully I’ll be able to post something. Sorry that I didn’t post for the past three/ four days. I’ve just been running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Probably be posting a poem later tonight so look forward to that. I love you all so so much, No One.

Until tonight!

-Hope xoxo

Gotta get that shameless self promo.

Christmas Scents

This is a poem written by me. Don’t steal it or I will be very pissed off. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the nostaglia I was feeling this morning.

Wafting through the air

I am assaulted by the smell of delicious cravings

Chocolate chip cookies baked by Bobby


Lemon bars laboriously brewed by my sister


Fresh peppermint bark that tantalizes my senses

And fills me with hunger and sugary delight


Then laying stagnant in the air

Our tree reminds me of a far off pine forest

That was once its home

Creating a nostalgia for a place I’ve never known


Christmases past were the scent of pine filled those energy wrought mornings

That I remember so fondly from my childhood


Then drifting hazily over it all

A hint of firewood burning accents the atmosphere


Brings warmth to my heart as I sit by the fireplace in thought


Pulls me back to cold winter nights when we all sat by the fire

Drinking hot chocolate and watching Christmas movies


Reminds me of times long past

When everything was much simpler


When everything smelled so beautiful.



-Hope xoxo

An Ode to the Misunderstood

This poem is about rain and was written by myself. It isn’t great, but I do love rain and its contradictory nature. Be nice and I hope you enjoy the living shit out of it. This was also written for my ENGL280 class and is my original work. 

Flying down the clouds

One hits my cheek and moves slowly down my face

I smile

The drop of water looking like a tear

But my mind is full of joy at the sight of

Falling rain


The clouds are gray and the weather is cold

Girls scream as their hair is ruined for the day

I laugh

Not at their misery

But at the miracle

Falling rain


Life giving and replenishing

Water that Zeus himself designed

I thank

Every dot of rain that gives life

To my mind.



-Hope xoxo

I’m Listening/ On Finishing My First Semester in College

Okay, I’m starting to hear you, No One. Y’all clearly enjoy my poetry, which -hey- is flattering to say the least.

I’ll be posting more of that on here then which is both exciting and nerve racking. Gotta focus on writing some good poetic shit which is probably good practice as a writer, poet, and novelist.

I think I’ll post another tonight, but until then I’m gonna talk at you (mostly for myself) for a hot minute.

Now I know I have yet to fully experience college like seniors at SDSU, but I feel like my whole opinion on the institution has greatly changed.

College (from what I understand) forces you to sometimes, if not often, be alone. Alone with your thoughts and with your textbooks. Secluded from friendships, sometimes with hundreds of miles between you and your best friend.

I don’t mind the quiet of loneliness too much. I thought I would have, but the silence and distance isn’t comforting, but rather reinforcing. Reinforcing that which I had only thought was true as knowing as fact. I thought my best friend, C, and I were good friends, but I didn’t realize how deep and truly magnificent our friendship was and is until some distance, separation, and silence was put in between us.

Furthermore, I thought it would be easier to make friends in college, and sure the first week it definitely was easy, but after that initial week when all of us freshmen were desperate for companionship and everyone had made their best friends, it became difficult. You have to put in time and effort into the people that you should CAREFULLY select as your friends. I didn’t make many friends this semester which again, I’m fine with. But for those few extroverts who read my blog, please understand the time and effort required, Don’t feel like no one wants to be your friend. It’s not you, everyone just has their own shit going on.

Also, homework. I know I’ve yet to experience the real wrath/ magnanimity of homework that perhaps juniors and seniors experience in college, but it is a lot more than I had originally guesstimated.

Additionally, professors couldn’t care less about you, except for a few. I know the professor of ENGL280 class was a significantly kinder and nicer fella than say my HIST101 professor who was terrifyingly apathetic to say the least. There’s a spectrum of professors and you just have to be ready to see every single one of them.

I don’t really know what else to say so here take a picture of my cappuccino.

Photo on 12-18-14 at 12.47 PM

Much love.

-Hope xoxo

Happy Birthday

Warning: This poem is violent, sarcastic, and contains some thoughts of mine on my birthday regarding Hope related puns. It’s also very funny in my opinion so I hope you enjoy. It is also from my ENGL280 class and my original work. 

ping- my phone rings

ping-it rings

ping-the same word in capitals

ping-like “Hope” pun fractals

ping-repeating on my wall

ping-“Aunt Bertha said on your wall-“

ping-“HOPE you have a good birthday! ;D”

ping-comments Uncle Ray

ping-Hope you have a great day!

ping-Hope Hope Hope

ping-how about nope?

ping- stop it with your criminal pun

ping-I want to run

ping-Away from my phone, laptop, and tablet

ping-but instead I go to the cabinet

ping-and grab my daddy’s gun

bang bang bang- all done!

No more annoying name puns for me to see!

-Hope xoxo

What the actual fuck.

Well hi, many new followers and people who apparently really enjoyed my poem that I posted early today. How’s it going? I know my day has gotten significantly better now. Thanks for following, really appreciate it! I’ll be posting another poem tomorrow morning hopefully so look out for that and yeah. Thanks! 🙂

-Hope xoxo


This is a spoken word poem I wrote for my ENGL280 class, be nice and I hope you all enjoy the shit out of it

The 2014 San Diego State Take Back the Night walk hoped to draw attention to sexual violence and rape culture inside of fraternity activities. Peaceful protestors who walked down “frat” row, received obscenities yelled at them, dildos waved from windows, and eggs thrown from passing cars –

In that moment, I felt hated

sickening ooze cracked through thin membrane

dribbled down my face.

Hey bitch, you know you wanted it

Idiots hollered from their houses

we walked slowly –

let the yellow rape culture

clear embryo trickle down our cheeks.

Our moment of solidarity


Ha hi guys XD sorry about my extended absence. It’s been hella crazy these past few weeks and I’m sorry that this blog had to take a back burner, but fuck it, I don’t really owe you guys anything. But I do start winter break tomorrow (THANK GOD) so I’ll probably be on here a lot more now that I’ll have some free time.

Hope you can forgive me and if you can’t well- fuck you.

Much love!

-Hope xoxo


My best friend is back from bootcamp and safe. He’s changed and grown a lot, but he’s still the boy that I grew up with and the man I love.

Sorry I haven’t posted on here a lot recently, it’s just been really busy. Much love to all of you, No One.

-Hope xoxo

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