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Ah yes, my favorite part (not really) of every vacation. The night before we have to leave and I’m sunburnt as fuck and tired as fuck and want to go home really fucking badly.

I’ve honestly had such a great time out here in Laughlin with my cousins and aunt and uncle, but I’m really to be home. I just wish I was coming home to Hannah. But alas, I have to wait another five days until I see her. Hopefully, my sunburn will be gone and I will be gorgeously tan by then.

Is it just me or does 5 days seem like such a ridiculously long time? In the grand scheme of things, it obviously isn’t, but I mean like that’s the length of an average work week! I just want to be home and I want my sister to be home with me. I honestly feel like she’s the only one who gets me and understands me throughly nowadays.

Maybe I’m just going crazy again from being outside in the sun for too long.

-Hope xoxo

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One Week In Paradise

This is a spoken word poem that I wrote today. Please don’t steal it or I will be upset because this is my life and my work and I will cut a bitch. Thanks. Here’s the poem:

That one week in paradise

I saw the sun shine for the first time

In months, with you.

We met in a flash of spontaneity

And I couldn’t resist

So that night I just kissed you.

My mind confused and in awe

You tasted like the vodka we’d been drinking all night

Your hands held my face and you were all I was thinking about in that one moment.

And that first night, we just kissed

That’s all I wanted. All I needed

To make me fall for you.

The days that followed were

Bright and laughter filled

We spent our one week in paradise together

Inseparable, infatuated, in love.

Your sweet laugh warmed my soul

My adventurous side showed us the world

We hardly knew each other,

But I felt like I’d known you my whole life.

When the week finally ended and our time in paradise was up

You kissed me just like that first time.

Drunken with love and happy and wanting to just keep kissing me forever.

Tears fell down my face and you laughed and kissed them away.

You held me tight in your arms one last time and

Then you let me go

Onto my next adventure and I let you go to yours.

Always remembering us and our little haven of joy

Remembering your beautiful blue eyes and how they looked at me

Remembering how you told me to smile and

Remembering how I couldn’t stop smiling when I was with you

Remembering how we learned to live in the moment together

Remembering how we were free to be who we wanted to be with each other so we were the who we always wanted to be

Remembering how different we once were but how much of the same person we are

Remembering how you told me about your pain and

Remembering how you helped me deal with mine

Remembering how you told me that it was okay to love again

Even if it was just for a week

A week in paradise.

That was the poem. I hope you liked it. Please leave any comments or suggestions or whatever in the comments and I love you very much.

-Hope xoxo