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Your Painting | A Poem for ThatsAweSam

They say a picture’s worth a thousand words,

But clearly the omnipotent “they” has never seen

A painting worthy of millions of words or

A painting that can’t be described using borrowed words and languages so often used.


Art sometimes can’t be memorialized onto written paper

Instead it is one of the few things that can you make you feel

The roar of the ocean or the calm of a forest

Just by gazing on its painted strokes

And not saying a word at all.


To paint is the very definition of creating

To take simple reds and blues

To transform and make all different hues.

To paint means to have a vision

Of the best dream you can dream,

Being able to take that thought,

Create a tangible piece by which others,

The people in this moment and the people in the moments to come,

Can see.


A brief glimpse of what it means to be inside your beautiful painting

Of a mind.



-Hope xoxo


Thank you ThatsAweSam for liking my post and liking my blog. I hope you enjoy this little poem that I made for you. ❤